Blog from Joe Masilotti, an independent developer who's passionate about clean, testable code. He builds, tests, and deploys Ruby on Rails, Turbolinks, and iOS apps. Mostly focused on testing and product dev for Rails and iOS.
Tibor writes about server-side Swift and the Vapor framework. You'll find him talking about using other, complementary tools like Feather CMS. His main focus is running Swift on the server and building web applications with Swift.
Bruno writes about Swift and iOS topics like preventing jailbreak tweaks, how the Swift API works on the inside, UI testing, and other topics relevant to Swift developers. He works at Spotify in Sweden.
Andrew is an iOS developer and fan of Swift. He writes about what he's learning now on his blog, covering topics like working with older versions of XCode, SwiftUI, and doing WWDC recaps. He's also a Pluralsight author.
Benoit focuses on iOS and Swift. He blogs regularly about working with Swift, Swift UI, Catalyst, watchOS, and of course working with XCode. He's a French software engineer, currently working in Singapore.
Explore the world of Swift and iOS, Federico shares unique insights on the latest tools offered by Apple. Recent posts talk about using SwiftUI, building content-friendly layouts, and handling secrets.
Ben is the creator of Combine Swift and writes about iOS development on his blog. He covers topics like setting up Xcode, security for iOS apps, and tips for working with the Swift programming language.
Chris publishes tutorial, news, and recaps focused around iOS development and programming with Swift. His focus is on helping beginners learn to create apps step by step, even if they aren't experienced with mobile app development.
Matteo writes about working with SwiftUI, Swift in general, and provides guides to help you become an iOS developer with modern tools and techniques. He covers best practices and architecture patterns for modern apps built with Swift.
Donny is an iOS developer from the Netherlands, who writes about working with Swift and iOS. Today he works at Disney Streaming Services. Recent posts on his site cover working with the Combine framework, created by Apple.
Jeroen shares his journey learning mobile development with iOS and Swift. He writes concise tutorials about building common UI elements with Swift like alerts and forms. He also covers other aspects of the app development lifecycle like monitoring for reviews to improve your app's quality.
Thomas is a Swift enthusiast and writes about iOS development and programming with Swift on his blog. Recent posts cover topics like reference equality in Swift, structs vs classes, and the advantages of working with SwiftUI compared to UIKit.
Alexey writes about building mobile applications with Swift for iOS. Some of his recent articles touch on the debate between UIKit or SwiftUI when building production apps, odd behaviors in SwiftUI's state, and general software development concepts like separation of concerns and clean architecture.
Antoine writes about XCode, iOS, and Swift. His articles cover everything from performance for build and launch, Swift for beginners, working with SwiftUI and the entire app development lifecycle.
Majid is a Swift developer who writes about SwiftUI and curates a Swift newsletter called SwiftUI Weekly. He writes posts just about every week, covering subjects like styling custom components, focus management, commands, and keyboard shortcuts.
Vadim writes about app development with Swift. His articles cover unit testing async code and views in Swift, UI tips and tricks like handling infinite list scroll, and working with SwiftUI.
Sarun publishes weekly articles about iOS programming, language features, and architectural patterns for mobile applications. Recent posts cover working with Swift, XCode, and SwiftUI.
Natasha is an iOS engineer, blogging about her journey with Swift. She also organizes the Try Swift online workshop series. Recent posts on her site talk about functional programming, working with Passkit and Apple Wallet, and using watchOS.
Sindre is a full-time open source developer and mostly writes about building macOS apps with Swift. He's also known for creating Yeoman and a number of Node libraries.
In-depth articles about Swift programming techniques, language features, architectural patterns, and beyond. You'll learn about things like UIKit and SwiftUI interoperability, testing with Swift, and working with Swift's DSL.
As the name says, this blog specifically talks about SwiftUI. It aims to fill in the gaps between the documentation and real-world scenarios building apps with Swift.
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