Kitze writes about web development, with a focus on React. He also sometimes blogs about building his software products, Sizzy and Fungarzione.
Notes and thoughts about software development with a focus on JavaScript, React, and React Native ecosystem. He covers topics like separation of concerns in React, choosing between React Native and Flutter, and working with other languages like ReasonML, Flow, and TypeScript.
Samuel writes about the realm between Design & Development. Learn animations, CSS, web development tips & tricks and creating delightful and useful interfaces! Some topics include React, Framer Motion, Next.js, Component Kits, UX and much more.
JavaScript and Web Development Tutorials. Flavio is one of the most recognizable JavaScript bloggers, and has been publishing a new post every day for years. Each one is bite-sized and easy to digest.
Aman often write posts on React.js, React Native and Node.js. These days his focus is on React Native and how to use it for cross-platform mobile development.
Sébastien writes original content about React, ReactNative, JavaScript, TypeScript, Jamstack, cross-platform...
Swizec writes about JavaScript, ReactJS, and technical skills that will boost your career. He also writes about data visualization with d3 and serverless development.
Josh writes playful and interactive articles with a focus on React, Gatsby, CSS, and animation. Formerly employed by Gatsby, he recently went full-time to work on an interactive CSS course, built on his own course software.
Blog written by Dan Abramov, a member of the React Core Team and author of Redux. He writes about UI engineering, software development practices, and concepts in React.js.
Kent C. Dodds writes about React, JavaScript, and Node.js. He's particularly written a lot about testing with Jest and Cypress. Formerly employed by PayPal, he now creates educational material full-time for web developers.
Lee works at Vercel and write about Next.js, MDX, Node, and React. His most popular posts are about design systems and design, as well as how to work with Yarn Workspaces and Lerna.
A blog for React, JavaScript, Typescript and Gatsby fans who also love the art of good UX and UI. Articles dig deep in to Design Systems and Component Library best practices with useful hints and tips to help level up your UI skills.
Utkarsh shares his insights on how to write simple code for complex web apps. The content is mostly related to the frontend, recent focus has been around ReactJS and typescript. Focused towards junior devs who are looking for easy explanations for the latest practices with real-world examples .
Rado is the Head of Engineering at Product Hunt and writes about his experiences building the internet's favorite place to launch. He writes about Ruby, GraphQL, Software Testing, and React.
Dave's articles help you learn and master frontend development with React. He writes about React and Redux, and is also the author of the Pure React course.
Kyle writes about all things AWS related in addition to infrastructure, DevOps, and frontend topics like React.js, Next.js, and Amplify. When not writing about technical topics, he also shares his thoughts on Entrepreneurship, Indie Hacking, and Side Projects.
Hooks are a new addition in React that lets you use state and other React features without writing a class. This website provides easy to understand code examples to help you learn how hooks work and inspire you to take advantage of them in your next project.
Mike gives tips and tricks on things he's learned along the way in his work. He also includes his notes and reviews on books he's read, as well as breakdowns of design theory and human psychology that you may not have been exposed to before. Tips for everyone, written in plain language. Expect some JavaScript, React, and Gatsby, with healthy doses of UX design and behavioral Psychology.
Bhanu writes about Web Development, especially Javascript and React. Recent articles focus on Next.js, working with git, the way React hooks work under the hood, and the fundamentals of React.
Mark writes detailed technical articles focused on React and Redux, as well as introductory articles on web development topics, tips for coding career advice, React/Redux-related presentations and assorted other technical topics (TypeScript, Git, etc). The author is also a maintainer of Redux.
Robin writes guides and tutorials about React.js, Node.js, GraphQL and JavaScript. He's also got courses on React, GraphQL, and Firebase.
Sean writes about frontend web and mobile development with Flutter and React.js. He also covers backend topics like GraphQL, Fauna, and anything else that help frontend developers build amazing apps. Every post has an added touch of visual diagrams and interactive examples to help frontend developers of all levels learn important concepts and pragmatic knowledge that can be applied today.
This is Monica's digital playground. They are passionate about making contributing to open-source more approachable, creating technology to elevate people, and building community. They have plenty of helpful tutorials related to JavaScript, React, GitHub, Gatsby, Next, and other topics.
Emma writes about React, Gatsby and anything else that has piqued her interest. She currently works as a front-end developer at Atlassian.
Juho writes about ReactJS, JavaScript, Webpack, and modern frontend testing. He also interviews creators and open source maintainers in the JavaScript ecosystem about their experiences.
Ibrahima writes about frontend and backend development with JavaScript and Node JS. He covers topics related to React, GraphQL, Unit Testing, and TypeScript. Ibrahima publishes beginner to advanced topics and tries to simplify the broad terms as much as possible. He is currently writing about Next.js and TypeScript.
Anton Gunnarsson's Digital Garden. He writes about JavaScript, React and other web development subjects. Recent posts include topics like recursive components, React code smells, and frontend terminology.
Tomek writes about the practical implementation of UI and UX patterns. His blog is full of interactive elements that help to touch and feel how some ideas work in a real interface. He tries to show VanillaJS and React examples so the readers find it useful when using the most popular library and still can catch what's the heart of implementation by looking at pure JS.
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