Sophie writes about web development and accessibility. Her latest posts talk about misconceptions about web accessibility, cross-site scripting attacks and security, and deploying with CircleCI. Sophie works at Monzo as a senior web engineer.
Chris write frequently on his blog, with over 170 articles, and covers topics like Programming, DIY, Node.js & JavaScript and more. He also shares what he's currently learning about software testing, clean code, and electronics.
Violet writes about both code and non-code related things. One of her best known posts is about CSS grid, which was reshared on CSS Tricks. Violet's latest posts talk about writing docs, working with JavaScript, even building your own custom keyboard.
Sam writes about React, Node, iOS, and JavaScript.
Jack Franklin writes about JavaScript, unit testing, working in VS Code, and software development in general.
Albert writes about HTML, CSS, UX, UI and other frontend development topics. His goal is to help junior frontend developers boost their portfolio and teach them how to deal with pixel-perfect layouts from an implementation standpoint.
Tomasz writes about AWS in a way that helps frontend developers get into working in the cloud. He covers topics like AWS Lambda, using the AWS SDK, S3, SNS, and other AWS services.
JavaScript and Web Development Tutorials. Flavio is one of the most recognizable JavaScript bloggers, and has been publishing a new post every day for years. Each one is bite-sized and easy to digest.
Ryan writes about Laravel, PHP, and working with JavaScript, especially Alpine.js.
Aman often write posts on React.js, React Native and Node.js. These days his focus is on React Native and how to use it for cross-platform mobile development.
Brent Jackson is a frontend developer at Gatsby and writes about CSS, CSS-in-JS, and design systems. He's the author of Styled System and Theme UI.
Sébastien writes original content about React, ReactNative, JavaScript, TypeScript, Jamstack, cross-platform...
Dan blogs about web development in general, but focused in particular on Angular and unit testing. Recent articles include tutorials on how to scrape websites with Puppeteer and working with TypeScript.
Swizec writes about JavaScript, ReactJS, and technical skills that will boost your career. He also writes about data visualization with d3 and serverless development.
Stefan writes about topics like Next.js, CSS, and web development in general. He also runs a monthly newsletter that covers productivity tips for developers and made
Beginner-oriented web development and JavaScript blog called "That's an Egg". Written by Twan Mulder, developer and CRO specialist at Accenture. Also covers topics like accessibility, CSS, and animation.
Josh writes playful and interactive articles with a focus on React, Gatsby, CSS, and animation. Formerly employed by Gatsby, he recently went full-time to work on an interactive CSS course, built on his own course software.
Harry writes about JavaScript, React, web development, and works at MongoDB during the day.
Swyx writes about frontend development with JavaScript and careers in software development. He's also a known advocate for Learning In Public.
Blog written by Dan Abramov, a member of the React Core Team and author of Redux. He writes about UI engineering, software development practices, and concepts in React.js.
Kent C. Dodds writes about React, JavaScript, and Node.js. He's particularly written a lot about testing with Jest and Cypress. Formerly employed by PayPal, he now creates educational material full-time for web developers.
Chris writes every single day about web development snippets that will help you become a better developer. He focuses on frontend development, JavaScript, popular frameworks, and HTML and CSS.
Umar writes about frontend development and JavaScript topics, including accessibility, Chrome's DevTools, and cutting edge browser features.
Chris writes about Rust, Docker, NodeJS, web development, and open source. You can find posts on topics ranging from Haskell to community building in his digital garden.
Artem writes about frontend software development with tools like linters, Rollup, and advanced form libraries. You'll also find tips for working with CI tools like CircleCI on this blog, plus general software development topics like effective code review practices.
Valeri writes about TypeScript, Node, static site generators, and Mongoose, the ORM for MongoDB in Node.js.
Interactive guides & walkthroughs of web development & data visualization concepts, which explore novel article formats. She uses React.js and d3.js to create visualizations that help you better understand CSS and JavaScript concepts.
Max writes about frontend development, mostly React, as well as various other related topics. He's the creator of styled-components and react-boilerplate and currently works at Gatsby.
Marius has written a ton about TypeScript, as well as JavaScript and working in VS Code.
Instead of focusing on large frameworks like React/Angular/Vue, this blog emphasizes how much is possible without them if you possess the right skills. Learn how to improve your code longevity and perhaps put an end to the constant code rewrites when a new framework becomes popular.
Drawing on over 20 years of experience, Nicolas advocates a pragmatic use of Web technologies based on progressive enhancement. He writes about web performance, particularly responsive images, the JAMstack, and the IndieWeb.
Lee works at Vercel and write about Next.js, MDX, Node, and React. His most popular posts are about design systems and design, as well as how to work with Yarn Workspaces and Lerna.
The personal blog of Thomas Steiner, mostly covering latest browser APIs, some JavaScript and CSS topics, and the occasional personal post. Recent articles cover topics like working with Safari extensions, handling SVGs, and generally how Chrome works. Thomas works as a Chrome Developer Advocate.
RayRay write stories about Frontend Dev, JavaScript, Typescript, Angular, NodeJS, Serverless Functions, JAM Stack, FaunaDB, Netlify. His posts also aim to help developers during difficult moments and getting started with their journey in software.
Will writes about front-end web development, especially JavaScript and CSS. His blog posts typically talk through interesting things you can create with demos showing how they work.
A blog for React, JavaScript, Typescript and Gatsby fans who also love the art of good UX and UI. Articles dig deep in to Design Systems and Component Library best practices with useful hints and tips to help level up your UI skills.
Monica blogs about Magenta.js, JavaScript, the inner workings of Chrome, Emoji, previously Polymer, and Web Components.
Addy Osmani (Adnan Osmani) is an engineering manager at Google working on Chrome. His teams work on tools like Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights. He is author of open-source projects like Yeoman, TodoMVC and Material Design Lite.
Adam Wathan is the creator of Tailwind CSS, and writes primarily about CSS and JavaScript with Vue.js and Next.js. He's also known for co-creating Refactoring UI, a popular ebook that teaches developers how to design UIs that actually look good.
Kitty's blog has been focused on accessibility for a few years now, and has practical tips for web developers looking to make their sites and apps more accessible using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Recent posts also cover working with Node and Cypress.
CodeWithLinda is Linda Ikechukwu's Blog where she writes Beginner Friendly Articles on Frontend Development, Cloud, Dev Life and more.
Utkarsh shares his insights on how to write simple code for complex web apps. The content is mostly related to the frontend, recent focus has been around ReactJS and typescript. Focused towards junior devs who are looking for easy explanations for the latest practices with real-world examples .
2ality is a blog about JavaScript, web development and mobile computing (but other topics are covered, too, occasionally). It's written by Axel Rauschmayer, a software engineer based in Munich, Germany.
The Smart Coder covers a wide range of topics around web development. Its goal is to provide best content for developers around the world, such as project ideas, GitHub repositories, guides, and much more. This site is a combination blog and additional features that help developers discover new content.
A blog featuring tutorials about JavaScript, HTML5, AJAX, PHP, CSS, WordPress, and everything else development.
We're trying to create the best place to find quality and creative content, written by individual developers and technical experts. Help us get the word out!
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