Tilo writes about lessons learned during the transition from a software engineer to an engineering manager working in technology companies. His blog mixes technical topics with articles on leadership, work prioritization, and how to be a better engineer.
Adam writes about engineering management as well as web development, chiefly focused on JavaScript, Elixir, and their most popular frameworks. Adam completed an entire series on data structures and algorithms in JavaScript for the book "The Algorithm Design Manual" which is now featured on Prof. Steven Skiena's course website.
Charity Majors is the co-founder and CTO of Honeycomb, and writes about career development for engineers, management, and observability. She also co-wrote Database Reliability Engineering.
Pete writes about engineering management, hiring and interviewing, and getting into software development.
Jamees writes about topics ranging from engineering management to meditation. Articles to help software engineers and technically minded people become more productive, successful and happy.
A blog about software, engineering management, and career development based on Gergely's experience at high growth startups like Uber, Skype, and Skyscanner.
Articles on building high performing teams, software development and technical leadership. The blog writes includes various topics spanning from spinning up new SaaS products, running services at scale and techniques for solving difficult problems. There are posts describing hard lessons from leading teams through tough turbulent transitions, multiple business pivots and showing kind leadership over autocratic approaches.
Lara writes about engineering management and coaching engineers.
The blog about software engineering and engineering management. It covers topics like how object orienting programming can make you a better developer, and leading in a company without formal authority.
Cee writes about software, management, freelancing, product, and everything in between.
Princiya blogs about her journey into a technical leadership role and how to manage the balance between leading technical teams, mentoring juniors, hiring and interview best practices, scaling infrastructures and securing them.
Camille writes about engineering leadership — becoming a better manager, building healthy teams of engineers, and creating an effective organization. She focuses on the value and impact senior leadership can create. Camille has written books and given talks on these subjects as well.
Christoph writes about JavaScript Infrastructure, Engineering Management and Developer Experience. He provides a unique perspective based on his prior experience managing JavaScript Infrastructure at Facebook. He now works at Stripe.
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