The blog covers Spring Boot and Microservices architecture. It also covers Java, System Design, and AWS Technologies. If you are looking to integrate different security protocols (SAML, WS-Federation, OAuth), the blog covers that as well. The blog is unique from the perspective of the implementation of key problems that developers face in the security domain.
Tomasz writes about AWS in a way that helps frontend developers get into working in the cloud. He covers topics like AWS Lambda, using the AWS SDK, S3, SNS, and other AWS services.
Swyx writes about frontend development with JavaScript and careers in software development. He's also a known advocate for Learning In Public.
Sean writes about working with AWS. He works as a DevOps engineer and distills those daily learnings into practical posts. Recent topics on his blog include setting up budget alerts, how to learn AWS on your own, and AWS white papers that are worth your time.
Kyle writes about all things AWS related in addition to infrastructure, DevOps, and frontend topics like React.js, Next.js, and Amplify. When not writing about technical topics, he also shares his thoughts on Entrepreneurship, Indie Hacking, and Side Projects.
Rafal is the founder of Dynobase and writes about cloud-native technologies. His focus is mostly Serverless technologies on AWS with an emphasis on AWS Lambda and DynamoDB and CDK (Cloud Development Kit).
Julien writes about working with AWS and Machine Learning. On his blog you'll find articles on topics like using Amazon SageMaker, updates from re:Invent, and working with TensorFlow using Amazon services.
Marc leads engineering on AWS Lambda and therefore writes a lot about serverless software development, serverless databases, and other software development topics.
We’re the internet’s only snarky, sarcastic resource for literally anything and everything AWS. Covers the latest AWS news and reports, and brings them to you in a personality-packed format.
Philip writes articles about Java, Kotlin, Spring Boot, and AWS. He also focuses on testing real-world applications with these technologies. His main goal is to make testing joyful again by providing easy-to-understand recipes. Apart from text/plain content, he's active on YouTube and a course teacher for several online courses.
Forrest works at A Cloud Guru and writes about AWS, serverless, working in open source, and current events that touch the tech industry. He also sometimes writes about high level technology problems like picking your tech stack.
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